Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day Protest Clarifications

We heard news recently about a Valentines Day protest in front of a Catholic Church in the Chicago area. (article)

A couple points in the story need addressing.

The first was a church representative who stated: "They may not like it, but it's the teaching of the church that marriage is between one man and one woman," Dolan said. "Those of us in the church don't get to choose what the teachings are."

The last time I looked the Catholic Church uses the Bible for their teachings. Any church which selects parts to emphasize and other parts to minimize is picking and choosing. For example, since the church follows the Bible one must wonder how they explain the multiple wives and concubines of King Solomon. Or the love story between David and Johnathan. Not to mention the fact, when discussing eunichs Jesus himself stated “some come from their mothers womb that way”.

I also find it interesting that many religious, they themselves, do not abide by verses right next to other verses they wish to impose on others. They are quick to say homosexuality is an abomination but they are just as quick in forgetting that a woman wearing pants is also an abomination.

The other point I wanted to address was a comment from one of the protesters who stated: "On Valentine's Day, we should be celebrating love. I'd rather focus on what I'm for than what I'm against."

Isn’t that a wonderful sentiment? No, it is not.

We are all ‘for’ life, but if someone attacks us in attempt to take our life we will defend ourselves.

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