I commented on this topic during the recent GayTalk Live Valentines special (http://gaytalklive.gaytalkradio.org/).
It stems from an email conversation with a future GayTalkRadio Guest. The opening statement from the Guest was “Perhaps one person out there will hear that God loves them exactly as they are and God is inclusive in his love!”
Of course this is a beautiful and wonderful statement. But I take it a step further.
I must say anytime I hear a spiritualist refer to 'God' as 'him' or 'his' my ears perk up.
Unfortunately, for some reason, I had assumed the Guest was a spiritualist in the same sense that I was. I was obviously confused during the writing of my reply and in turn embarrassed myself due to my ‘assumption’. Onward with my reply.
For me, as a spiritualist, 'God' is not a single entity, or being, and there is no gender assignment. Of course I realize it's 'just words' and/or differences of definitions. But, in my mind, the distinctions are important. I also feel they are important for the listeners of GayTalkRadio.
I try to stress the fact that every human being contains an inner-spirit and that inner-spirit is part of a Whole. The inner-spirit also goes by many names such as "The Light", "The Energy", "Our Soul" etc. And the Whole (all of our inner-spirits combined) goes by many names such as "God", "The Light", "Allah", “Universal Energy” etc.
It's difficult for me to use the word "God" without realizing the majority of people who hear that word think of the Christian "God" portrayed in the Bible, Allah portrayed in the Quran or some other type of single supreme being.
For me, this is why the clarification is so important whenever the word "God" is used, especially when gender is applied.
I said all that to say this; Acceptance from the Whole is a non-issue. Every one of us is a part/piece of the Whole.
In other words, it would be similar to telling your arm that you accept it.
Acceptance is not even on the table for consideration. We are the Whole. Each and every one of us is a piece of the Whole.
There is one big drawback to this line of belief. For it to work we must learn to love all of our human family members as brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, I doubt that is attainable. However, we will find it in our after-human-life. Each of our unique spirits lives forever.
Love, Light and Rainbows
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