Tuesday, January 5, 2010

'The Family' - Christian Values Abstinence Education Doubled the AIDS Pandemic in Uganda

1. In 1986 the Family's leader, Doug Coe, sent Bob Hunter, a former Ford administration official, to East Africa where he met with Ugandan government officials while recruiting for the Family. He was representing the interests of U.S. political figures associated with the Family, including Sen. Chuck Grassley and Reagan's assistant secretary of state for Africa, Chester A. Crocker, who wanted to influence Uganda away from the left. A year later Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni met with President Ronald Reagan and has served as an American proxy ever since. Museveni has suspended term limits, intimidated the press, and installed a corrupt regime. According to Sharlet, he is the "key man" of the Family in all of Africa.

2. Museveni is also involved in another Family enterprise - Youth Corps, which mobilizes young people worldwide to develop an invisible organization to maintain the Family's culture of laissez-faire capitalism under the belief of having been "chosen" by Jesus for wealth, power and influence.

3. U.S. legislation sponsored by Family members Sen. Brownback and Rep. Joe Pitts has undone Uganda's successful anti-AIDS program by redirecting millions of dollars to abstinence only programs. This led to an evangelical revival in Uganda, the stigmatization of condoms, and a doubling of the AIDS rate.

The influence of the Family on the U.S. and its foreign relations is cause for alarm and needs to be exposed.

GayTalkRadio recently spoke with a Gay Ugandan. Click here for the podcast

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