Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How much longer?

Today I watched a video online.

It was some of the first same-sex weddings in Washington D.C.

When seeing these I am very happy for all involved. Of course I think about the couple, which, in most cases have been together for many years before this day. I think about the years before that day. The years of society telling them their love wasn’t good enough. I think how elated they must feel at this moment.

We are not on this earth alone. There are many others. Indeed, it’s ‘different’ to be anti-social. Combined with our naturally curious nature, it’s obvious we all have a need to be social. Of course, this naturally leads to intimacy.

Many desire strict definitions of words. Many of them also wish to impose their definitions upon others. To this day, and for all the ages, some wish to control others. Many tools are used for such work.

If we are to believe some, the majority of the citizens wish to oppress the LGBTQI community. This simply stated, claims the majority approve of torture. When you force people to be what they are not, you are torturing them.

If we are to believe some, the majority of LGBTQI community members suffer higher rates of psychiatric issues and medical issues as well as a shorter life span.

Evidence of the torture!

How much longer must LGBTQI blood run into the gutters of our streets?

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