Monday, December 28, 2009

Homelessness, Kalamazoo, The District of Columbia, Christmas, Obamaville and love

In a conversation a few weeks back I heard these words; “I’m going to wait until after the first of the year for my advertising campaign”. Not that I have a degree in marketing but I told them they should take advantage of the Christmas season instead of waiting. I also said, “you know after the New Year everyone starts worrying about taxes”.

So I thought I should take my own advice and take advantage of the holiday ‘love’.

Just a brief side thought. Does the population in general show more love during the holidays? I think so. Which brings to question, why? Why do we tone down the love during the non-holiday time?

I can hear some one saying “We still love the same, we just don’t show it”, or something like “We can’t afford to give gifts all year round”, etc.

Anyhow, getting back on track.

For some reason in my daily cyber-travels today I seemed to run across many articles related to homelessness.

I read about a tent city in Colorado named Obamaville. They had a very large commercially produced banner out front. (article)

In recent news we’ve heard how The District of Columbia has signed off on marriage equality (article). Prior to the passing of the new law the Catholic Church (in D.C.) stated it would discontinue services to the homeless if the law passed (article). So far the Catholic Church has lied once again!

However, over in Kalamazoo, Michigan the story is a little bit different. In recent news we heard how Kalamazoo, Michigan passed a gay rights ordinance (article). Today I read that three churches in Kalamazoo are opting out on helping the homeless (article).

Here we are living in one of the richest nations in the world and we have homeless?

In case you’re brave enough to look into the face of homelessness here are some great places to start:

Oh, and Happy Holidays

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