Monday, June 1, 2009

Abortionist lives more valuable then LGBT lives

We heard Dr. Tiller, an abortion Dr. was shot and killed in his Church on Sunday.

Truly this is a horrific tragedy!

However it is a horrific tragedy anytime a fellow human family member is murdered.

But in this case, the FBI became involved as well as the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.

Furthermore, the Obama administration will take "appropriate steps to help prevent any related acts of violence from occurring," the U.S. Marshals Service announced that it will begin protecting certain abortion clinics and doctors.

I truly do sympathize with the family and friends of Dr. Tiller and I am saddened by this event.

However, I am not anymore saddened by this event than I am when a fellow LGBT community member is shot and killed.

When a LGBT community member is shot and killed we don’t usually see the federal authorities becoming involved.

The government is stepping in because this murder is a bias crime against a community of abortionist.

Likewise, when a LGBT community member is murdered because of their sexual orientation or gender identity they are the victim of a bias crime against a community; the LGBT community.

Mr. Obama has sent a message loud and clear. Abortionists are more important than LGBT community members!

Of course abortionists choose to be part of that community. Most in the LGBT community do not.

While I think it is wonderful federal authorities have become involved in this case, I also feel it should be status quo, not the exception.

In other words, anytime there is bias involved murder against a community, there should be outrage and action all the way up to the federal level.

Since there is not, it sends a very dangerous message that one life is more valuable than another. By sending such a message you provide unspoken approval of such crimes.

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